Love of a Teacher Translates to a Love of Learning

This dedication is to my son's teacher from last year. This educator was perhaps one of the most positive I've ever come across both as a parent and as a teacher myself. His love, and true joy, of being with his students radiated from him in every word and gesture, both directly to the kids as well in any conversations my husband and I had with him about our child. My son, who generally has been (at best) sort of "luke warm" about most of the teachers he's had, still refers to Mr. Cancino as his absolute favorite. While in his second grade class, my son went to school happily, was excited to do his work, and most importantly, gained confidence in himself and his abilities. Recently, we bumped into this teacher at school when my son was visiting with his younger brother. He FLEW into Mr. Cancino to give him the biggest hug I think I have ever seen him give anyone! It really hit me in that moment how impactful Mr. Cancino's positive attitude, and always emphasizing the best in his students, was absorbed by the kids and all the returns this love has upon his students' development. I often think I should share these sentiments with Mr. Cancino. Maybe one day he'll visit this site and realize how much we believe in him because he believed in our son!


Her Name Was Gertrude


Dad First, Teacher and Coach Second