
Mr. Kerr taught AP Capstone at Pearce HS in Richardson, TX. He had a huge influence on me and my aspirations. In a year-long research project I had, Mr. Kerr spent countless hours helping me develop my ideas and my project. His goal was always to put me in the best position to grow and be successful, so instead of telling me what to do or doing things for me, he did everything he could to make me think in ways I hadn’t before. He put so much time and thought into my development that he did not have to, and I’ll always be grateful for that. Mr. Kerr was, and still is, a friend of mine, and we still keep in touch. He inspired me to always look for new ways to think, and he’s a huge reason why I feel like I found what I love and what I want to pursue in my career.


Much More Than Running


Pure Kindness